Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about this past winter's warmth.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about recent Alaska winters bucking the ENSO trend.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about fog season in the Interior.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman look back at the 2024 Interior summer.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about conditions prior to the August 25th Ketchikan landslide, and three other deadly slides that have occurred over the last nine years in Southeast Alaska.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about stormy weather that's predominated in Western Alaska over the last two months.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about returning darkness and the three stages of twilight.
Dan Bross talks with Rick Thomas about how climate change is driving glacial lake release flooding in Juneau.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about Tanana Valley State Fair Weather.
Dan Bros sand Rick Thoman talk about the emerging La Nina and what it could mean for Alaska this fall and winter.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about a forecast late July heat wave.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the arrival of westerly winds and the onset of cool, rainy weather.