Rick Thoman
ACCAP climate specialist-
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about Tanana Valley State Fair Weather.
Dan Bros sand Rick Thoman talk about the emerging La Nina and what it could mean for Alaska this fall and winter.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about a forecast late July heat wave.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the arrival of westerly winds and the onset of cool, rainy weather.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about how visibility limiting wildfire smoke has become more common in Fairbanks since 2000.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about wildfire clouds.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about different types of lightning.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the two phases of summer in Interior Alaska.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the hurricane and typhon season outlook.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about hail and graupel.