Rick Thoman
ACCAP climate specialist-
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about February's abrupt shift from cold to warm.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the Interior's recent cold snap.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the return of warmth from the sun.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the decline in frequency and intensity of deep cold spells in the Fairbanks-North Pole area.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about this winter's snowpack around Alaska.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the effects of El Nino.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about some lesser-known solstice facts.
Dan Bros and Rich Thoman talk about Fairbanks area high elevation winds.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the warm, wet weather experienced across much of the Arctic region this fall.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about November's warm weather.