Tim Ellis
reporter/producerTim has worked in the news business for over three decades as a newspaper reporter and editor and as a radio news reporter/producer. He grew up in a military family and lived in Utah, Hawaii and Kentucky before his family moved to Alaska in 1967, settling in Delta Junction. In 1977, Tim journeyed to the Lower 48 in 1977 to get a college education and see the world. He graduated from Seattle University in 1983 with a degree in journalism and relocated to southern Arizona, where he spent most of the next 25 years working as a print, broadcast and online journalist. He returned to Alaska in 2010 and joined the KUAC news staff, where he has since worked as a reporter and producer covering energy and the environment, agriculture/sustainability, transportation, military affairs and rural Interior communities. He lives in Delta Junction with his wife, Mary, and enjoys reading, hiking, fishing and carpentry.
AgricultureThis year’s Delta Farm Forum will feature presentations on 21st century agricultural challenges like protecting livestock from avian influenza and standing up a state Department of Agriculture. It’ll also include a look back in time about what archeologists have dug up at a local farm.
NewsThe head of the union that represents civilian employees at Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely says at least a dozen workers have resigned, retired, been furloughed or laid off as part of the Trump administration’s effort to sharply reduce the federal workforce.
The Air Force has removed two sites from a list of locations around the eastern Interior where the agency has proposed to build radar training facilities. The radar sites are intended to help train F-35 pilots from Eielson Air Force Base to detect and locate signals similar to those emitted by enemy surface-to-air missile facilities that the pilots might encounter in combat.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command, NORAD, scrambled U.S. and Canadian fighter jets last week to accompany a formation of Russian aircraft flying through international airspace off the coasts of Alaska and Canada.