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The Fairbanks Light Opera Theatre Performs Sections of "Meet Me In St. Louis"

In this segment, members of the Fairbanks Light Opera Theatre perform in the Alaska Live Studios.  Members Lorri Heveveld, Shauna Gloria, Alvin Espejo, Birdie Wattum, Bekka Hunter, Kaitlyn Hammond, Karley Thrun, Ted Sponsel, Niko Floyd, and Sue Larsen present segments from the classic Broadway hit "Meet Me In St. Louis" directed by Mary Catherine Moroney.

Lori’s love for public broadcasting runs deep. She was raised on Car Talk, Morning Edition, Adventures in Good Music with Karl Haas, and later while studying wildlife biology at Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, she realized that if she helped answer phones during the fund drive at KMUW, she could meet and chat with the hosts of locally produced shows.