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— While Noel has been dubbed the "Christmas City" and "Canoe Capital of the Ozarks," it's actually the Tyson plant that is keeping Noel on the map.
While Noel has been dubbed the "Christmas City" and "Canoe Capital of the Ozarks," it's actually the Tyson plant that is keeping Noel on the map.
Abbie Fentress Swanson / Harvest Public Media

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— At Noel's primary school, teachers and staff function as educators about as often as they do de facto social workers.
At Noel's primary school, teachers and staff function as educators about as often as they do de facto social workers.
Abbie Fentress Swanson / Harvest Public Media

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— Noel, a remote Ozarks town of 1,832, is thriving thanks to the Tyson Foods poultry plant in town.
Noel, a remote Ozarks town of 1,832, is thriving thanks to the Tyson Foods poultry plant in town.
Abbie Fentress Swanson / Harvest Public Media

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— Just a short walk from Main Street sits the Tyson slaughterhouse, which employs about 1,500 people
Just a short walk from Main Street sits the Tyson slaughterhouse, which employs about 1,500 people
Abbie Fentress Swanson / Harvest Public Media
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