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  • A couple dozen retired and off-duty postal workers were joined by a handful of community members in front of the Downtown Fairbanks Post Office on Thursday, to protest changes to the postal system.
  • Fairbanks constituents for Senator Dan Sullivan organized a town hall to hear from him during the Congressional spring break this week. But the hastily-arranged event didn’t jibe with the Senator’s schedule and he wasn’t able to appear. The organizers decided to hold the event anyway.
  • News
    While President Donald Trump was addressing Congress Tuesday night, hundreds of Fairbanksans responded to calls by national organizations to protest his policies.
  • About hundred Fairbanksans lined Cushman Street in front of Fairbanks City Hall the day to demonstrate against many of the efficiency moves being made by the current Trump administration.
  • A group of Lathrop High School students in Fairbanks walked out of their fifth-period classes Wednesday to participate in a political protest. They spoke about their fears of losing personal rights under the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump.