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  • Galena, AK - Mushers and their dog teams passed in and out of Galena on various schedules throughout the afternoon. Martin Buser was the first to take off…
  • When to Run and Rest is a Fine Balance in the Iditarod
    Ruby, AK - Some mushers are still trying to hold dog teams back despite the fast Yukon River miles ahead. The most experienced mushers know the river…
  • Ruby, AK - As dogs teams drop onto the Yukon River, Iditarod mushers will find out how their race plans are playing out. The next 140 miles of long, flat…
  • Dog Teams Remain Large as They Close in on Ruby and the Yukon
    Takotna, AK - Iditarod teams remain large. Most mushers are still running teams of 14 or more dogs. Mushers are surprised at how many dogs fared well…
  • Takotna, AK - As teams come off their mandatory 24 hour rest and head for the Yukon River, they’ll be thinking of how best to pick up the pace in what is…
  • McGrath, AK - In the aftermath of Tuesday’s rough run through the Dalzell Gorge and into Nikolai, many Iditarod mushers have had to act fast to change…
  • Mushers Hold Back on Speed
    Rainy Pass, AK - Iditarod mushers are working hard to hold back teams on what has been an icy, hard packed trail. A snowless, rocky stretch of trail…
  • Rainy Pass, AK - Mushers are taking a beating on their way through the Alaska Range as the make their way down the Iditarod Trail. There are plenty of…
  • There's a Strong Norwegian Presence at Iditarod 42
    Willow, AK - Teams are making their way into Rainy Pass as they head trough the Alaska Range. It’s arguably the toughest stretch of trail. Many mushers…
  • Willow, AK - The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race is underway. Dog teams left Willow Sunday. They’re making their way toward the Alaska Range,…