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Biologists tallying number of Delta-area winter-killed wildlife

Carla Dekle's roommate shot this bull moose that had been hanging around her house in the agricultural area south of Delta Junction back in January. She says the bull and a cow were starving and had become "very, very aggressive." The roommate shot the two moose after the cow charged her when Dekle stepped out of her house and the bull attacked their dog.
Carla Dekle / Facebook
Carla Dekle's roommate shot this bull moose that had been hanging around her house in the agricultural area south of Delta Junction back in January. She says the bull and a cow were starving and had become "very, very aggressive." The roommate shot the two moose after the cow charged her when Dekle stepped out of her house and the bull attacked their dog.

Carcasses of starved moose emerge as snow melts

Now that last winter’s heavy snowpack is finally melting away, wildlife biologists in the eastern Interior are getting a better idea of how many moose and bison starved to death, because of the lack of forage. Meanwhile, several area residents are trying to get rid of the carcasses of winter kills that until now have been covered up by the snow.

Katie Behrens says a few weeks ago, she noticed the cow moose that had been hanging around her house near Delta Junction since early last winter was getting weaker as it scrounged around her yard every day for something to eat. Because its usual forage was buried under several feet of snow and ice.

“She was trying to eat shrubs and stuff that she could reach,” Behrens said in an interview Wednesday. “It was very thin. She couldn’t walk. She was so weak the last week before she died, she couldn’t get up.”

Behrens says she covered the carcass with a tarp and a couple of feet of snow last month. But last week, she got the first whiff of the decaying animal. So she got a friend with a piece of heavy equipment called a front-end loader to scoop up the carcass and bury it out in the woods.

“Luckily, he moved it before it started to smell too bad,” she said. “It was just starting to get ripe.”

Delta-area state Fish and Game wildlife biologist Clint Cooper says it’s a problem that several locals have had to deal with this spring.

“Around town here, we had a lot of cases of dead moose earlier in the wintertime,” Cooper said, “and some of those moose now are showing up as the snow melts.”

Bison frequently visited spent some time in January at Elena Powers' home south of Delta foraging for something to eat
Elena Powers / Facebook
Bison frequently visited spent some time in January at Elena Powers' home south of Delta foraging for something to eat

Cooper says he and other biologists are trying to figure out how much of the area’s moose population died over the winter. He says it appears that more cows and calves than usual didn’t make it. So the agency canceled a recent antlerless moose hunt in Game Management Unit 20D. But he doesn’t think the winter kills will affect this fall’s hunting season.

“Definitely, we’ve had some higher-than-normal mortality, from what we’ve seen so far,” he said. “But it doesn’t appear to be that bad.”

Cooper says the local bison population, on the other hand, definitely took a big hit.

“We have documented 60 bison mortalities over the winter, that we’re aware of,” he said, “and that’s certainly way, way way above average.”

That’s about a fifth of the 300-head Delta Bison Herd. Cooper says most of those that died were calves, along with a few yearlings. He says more than a dozen were killed when they were hit by vehicles, because the animals were using roads in lieu of their usual trails, which were covered by deep snow and ice. But, he says the herd is overall in good shape so the fall bison hunt is still a go.

“We had a healthy population of bison – still have a healthy population of bison.”

Cooper says now that the snow is melting, the bison are ranging back to their summer calving areas to the south, off to the west of Black Rapids.

“They’re definitely on the move,” he said. “I did a flight last week and about half the bison observed were present on their calving ground, which is down along the Delta River.”

Cooper said Wednesday he’s still getting reports of dead bison and moose around the Delta area. He says there’s not much he can do but advise residents to remove the carcasses and bury them somewhere far from human-inhabited areas, including trails. Because, he says, all that protein is going to attract bears and other scavengers.

Tim Ellis has been working as a KUAC reporter/producer since 2010. He has more than 30 years experience in broadcast, print and online journalism.