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Young Fangs

Young Fangs joined Lori Neufeld in the KUAC studio to discuss and play a few tracks off an upcoming untitled record. Young Fangs have been working hard on a proper debut studio album after finding success playing shows around Alaska these last few years. Their songs tend to have uplifting themes and catchy choruses that find you bobbing your head before you know it. Young Fangs were a pleasure to have here at KUAC and shared charismatic stories of the beginnings of the band and their progress since.

Lori’s love for public broadcasting runs deep. She was raised on Car Talk, Morning Edition, Adventures in Good Music with Karl Haas, and later while studying wildlife biology at Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, she realized that if she helped answer phones during the fund drive at KMUW, she could meet and chat with the hosts of locally produced shows.