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Dipnet Trail Closed

Trail closure at the O'Brien Creek Bridge
Ahtna Inc
Trail closure at the O'Brien Creek Bridge

DOT Northern Region public information officer John Perreault says closure of section of the Wood Canyon Trail from the Obrien Creek Bridge south, follows a ground penetrating radar survey conducted in the area last summer (2023).
“It’s been historically known that the trail, formerly the road, formerly the railroad bed went directly through a Native village site, and recently, in part of a working group with the Native Village of Chitina, and Ahtna and others, the DOT has participated in trying to determine where those cultural resources are, and this ground penetrating radar survey was part of the work done.”
Perreault says he can’t provide any specifics about what was found, but a May 22nd release from the Native Village of Chitina says last summer’s investigation identified ten graves and potential additional skeletal remains or cultural artifacts, and the tribe is calling for the state to suspend any further disturbance until cultural studies are completed, and an agreement on grave protections is in place. The Native Village of Chitina could not be reached for comment Friday, but the DOT’s Perreault says the agency is talking with the village and regional Alaska Native Corporation Ahtna.
“To figure out a way to help people get down the road, while not disturbing those culturally sensitive areas.”    
Perreault says a DOT crew headed to the site Friday (May 24), and possible solutions are being discussed.
“Both what works for them and what works from an engineering perspective. Re-routing is very difficult in that area…very steep and rocky terrain, so we’re looking at options, including possibly a boardwalk.”    
The first scheduled opening of the popular Copper River personal use dipnet fishery is June 7th. Perreault says they’re trying to address the access situation quickly and appropriately.
“Do work that is consistent with the need and respectful of the Native Village of Chitina.”  
He says the DOT will be providing online public updates on the project, as the June 7th personal use fishery opening date approaches. ###