Patrick Gilchrist
Fairbanks area postal workers protest in response to Trump's statements about privatizing the postal service. Sen. Dan Sullivan's legislative address contrasts Sen. Lisa Murkowski's take on the first couple months of the new Trump administration. UAF study finds EVs can save money for rural Alaska drivers in some situations. North Pole City Council accepts resignation for not one -- but two -- council members
NewsJoseph Evans, who had been representing the officers, said he could no longer act as their counsel due to a conflict of interest.
NewsNewly-elected councilmember Ellen Glab says she and her family are moving out of state.
EducationLinks for the former Nanook Diversity and Action Center website now lead users to the Wood Center's page.
NewsThe Bureau of Land Management's draft feasibility study was released last Thursday for a 30-day public comment period.
NewsTribal leaders cited a need for unity Thursday amid looming federal spending cuts
Tanana Chiefs Conference directors vote to rejoin the Alaska Federation of Natives. Alaska's fired federal workers begin filing unemployment claims. Eielson AFB F-16s intercept U.S. B-1 Bomber as part of training exercise. Delta City Junction city council member's lawsuit continues with evidentiary hearing. FNSB Assembly approves of ordinance that adds Juneteenth as an official borough holiday.
Anxiety growing for Ukrainian newcomers currently living in the Interior. Heliskiers killed in recent avalanche near Girdwood all had ties to the state of Minnesota. Iditarod mushers and dogs get checkpoint treats as they rest in Galena.
NewsThe U.S. General Services Administration says its ending the lease early for the National Park Service space at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center. The center's executive director doesn't think they can.
NewsThe Fairbanks City Council and Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly both passed resolutions opposing mandatory home energy ratings in certain real estate transactions.