Tim Ellis
reporter/producerTim has worked in the news business for over three decades as a newspaper reporter and editor and as a radio news reporter/producer. He grew up in a military family and lived in Utah, Hawaii and Kentucky before his family moved to Alaska in 1967, settling in Delta Junction. In 1977, Tim journeyed to the Lower 48 in 1977 to get a college education and see the world. He graduated from Seattle University in 1983 with a degree in journalism and relocated to southern Arizona, where he spent most of the next 25 years working as a print, broadcast and online journalist. He returned to Alaska in 2010 and joined the KUAC news staff, where he has since worked as a reporter and producer covering energy and the environment, agriculture/sustainability, transportation, military affairs and rural Interior communities. He lives in Delta Junction with his wife, Mary, and enjoys reading, hiking, fishing and carpentry.
Emergency servicesAlaska State Troopers reported three wrecks involving big trucks over the past couple of days along the Richardson Highway between Fairbanks and Delta Junction.
Thousands of soldiers from Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson made their way up the Parks Highway to Fort Wainwright over the past week en route to a big field-training exercise. And starting early next week, a total of 9,000 soldiers from Wainwright and JBER will be headed south on the Richardson Highway to the Donnelly Training Area near Fort Greely.