EducationThe Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is looking at a $16 million deficit for the upcoming school year.
The Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board will be voting Tuesday on a proposal to replace the district’s 70 custodians with a contracted company. The proposal is designed to save the district’s $3 million, in a year when it is facing a deficit and contemplating the closure of schools.
West Valley High School Juniors Hailey Staiger and Heidi Sauer, moderated a candidate forum for Fairbanks North Star Borough Board of Education. Students submitted 10 long-form questions and 8 lightning-round questions.
NewsLocal followers of a Palmer-based blogger filled the Fairbanks North Star Borough school board meeting room Tuesday, after he’d asked them to testify against proposed district Health Curriculum -- even though it won’t come before the board for several months.
An Arizona businessman with Fairbanks ties has registered the name “Golden Heart Strong,” the same name as a borough ballot proposition advocacy group. Mathew Lebeau used the status to get Facebook to take down a “Golden Heart Strong” page advocating for the borough tax cap increase.
KUAC will broadcast the forum on Monday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m. Representatives from Citizens for Transparent Government and Golden Heart Strong present arguments for and against Proposition A on the May 7th FNSB special election ballot.
A group of Fairbanks parents held a press conference April 10 to share concerns about governor Mike Dunleavy’s stance on education funding.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosted speakers supporting and opposing the ballot measure on the May 7th special election for the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Speaking in favor of the proposition are representatives of the ad hoc group, Golden Heart Strong. Co-chairs Morgan Dulian, a parent at Pearl Creek School and Lael Oldmixon, a former chair of the Chamber's Education and Workforce committee made the presentation.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosted speakers supporting and opposing the ballot measure on the May 7th special election for the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Speaking in favor of the proposition are representatives of the ad hoc group, Golden Heart Strong. Financial advisor Joshua Church and former Assembly member Aaron Lojewski made the presentation.
Groups supporting and opposing Proposition A in Fairbanks North Star Borough’s upcoming special election gave arguments to the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The election, scheduled for May 7th, would allow the borough to increase the collection of tax revenue by $10 million to pay for public schools.