The Fairbanks North Star Borough may be forced to change the way it counts votes after the Assembly last week failed to extend a service contract for vote-counting machines.
After a close count, Grier Hopkins is the new Fairbanks North Star Borough mayor. The borough’s canvass board counted absentee and questioned ballots yesterday.
Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor Bryce Ward is completing his second term. In a media interview, he marked accomplishments and challenges of his administration.
Here is a short segment, featuring just the borough assembly races, of the September 13 candidate forum hosted by the Tanana Valley League of Women Voters.
A resolution before the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly this week calls for establishment of a task force to research the use of mail in voting for local municipal elections.
The Alaska Children's Trust hosted a candidate forum for the folks running for Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor on Monday, August 19, 2024.
An Arizona businessman with Fairbanks ties has registered the name “Golden Heart Strong,” the same name as a borough ballot proposition advocacy group. Mathew Lebeau used the status to get Facebook to take down a “Golden Heart Strong” page advocating for the borough tax cap increase.
A two-day event looking at how Fairbanks can become more aging-friendlier begins today at the Carlson Center.
KUAC will broadcast the forum on Monday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m. Representatives from Citizens for Transparent Government and Golden Heart Strong present arguments for and against Proposition A on the May 7th FNSB special election ballot.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosted speakers supporting and opposing the ballot measure on the May 7th special election for the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Speaking in favor of the proposition are representatives of the ad hoc group, Golden Heart Strong. Co-chairs Morgan Dulian, a parent at Pearl Creek School and Lael Oldmixon, a former chair of the Chamber's Education and Workforce committee made the presentation.