The Fairbanks City Council had two measures on their plate Monday that laid out distinct approaches for revising how the city honors the life and work of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Junior.
The town of 417 residents held its municipal election on October 1st. But local law allows them to hold a new election if voters have legitimate complaints about it.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosts Fairbanks City Council Candidates Jerry Cleworth, for Seat A (Sean McDonald was not at the forum) and three candidates for Seat B: Aaron Crook, Olivia Rodriguez and Valerie Therrien.
Candidates for Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly and Mayor, Fairbanks and North Pole City Council and North Pole Mayor, Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board and Interior Gas Utility Board are running in the October 1 municipal election.
A resolution before the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly this week calls for establishment of a task force to research the use of mail in voting for local municipal elections.
The federal Department of Energy has awarded a half-million-dollar grant to help the Fairbanks-based Cold Climate Housing Research Center develop energy-efficient housing for low- to-middle income people around the Interior.
Groups supporting and opposing Proposition A in Fairbanks North Star Borough’s upcoming special election gave arguments to the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The election, scheduled for May 7th, would allow the borough to increase the collection of tax revenue by $10 million to pay for public schools.
The zoom feed of a Delta Junction City Council meeting was interrupted by a pornographic video Tuesday. It’s the first time the Delta council has suffered a so called “zoom bombing,” a form of hacking that occurs during an online Zoom meeting, and it’s prompted the city to adopt new new security measures.