Freshman Congressman Nick Begich is visiting constituent groups across Alaska this week. He opened a new office in Fairbanks, held a moderated Q&A on Facebook, visited the Fairbanks hospital, is dining with Republican groups, and on Thursday will address the Alaska Legislature. On Tuesday, he spoke at a business luncheon and took questions about Alaska’s relationship to the federal government.
Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum
Running for Assembly Seat A: incumbent David Guttenberg and Miguel Ramirez.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosts Fairbanks City Council Candidates Jerry Cleworth, for Seat A (Sean McDonald was not at the forum) and three candidates for Seat B: Aaron Crook, Olivia Rodriguez and Valerie Therrien.
A candidate forum was hosted by the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce at the Westmark Hotel on Sept. 10, 2024.
The governor spoke about energy and extraction policy and a future Alaska as a home for computing and software industries.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosted speakers supporting and opposing the ballot measure on the May 7th special election for the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Speaking in favor of the proposition are representatives of the ad hoc group, Golden Heart Strong. Financial advisor Joshua Church and former Assembly member Aaron Lojewski made the presentation.
Groups supporting and opposing Proposition A in Fairbanks North Star Borough’s upcoming special election gave arguments to the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The election, scheduled for May 7th, would allow the borough to increase the collection of tax revenue by $10 million to pay for public schools.