Dan Bross
Senior FM News ReporterDan has been in public radio news in Alaska since 1993. He’s worked as a reporter, newscaster and talk show host at stations in McGrath, Valdez and Fairbanks. Dan’s experience includes coverage of a wide range of topics, from wolf control to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and dog mushing.
He graduated from St. Lawrence University in upstate New York with a degree in fine arts and environmental studies in 1987. Snow and adventure lured Dan and wife Peggy to Alaska in 1992. The couple and their two kids enjoy cross-country skiing, backpacking and river trips.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about record low Arctic Sea ice.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about "weather whiplash".
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the warm, wet weather that blanketed mainland Alaska the second to last week of January
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman discuss the warm first half of Alaska's winter.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the types of satellites used to gather weather information.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about the history and value of weather satellites.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman look back at some of Fairbanks' 2024 weather highlights.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about long range climate models.
Dan Bross and Rick Thoman talk about short and mid-range computer weather models.