The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly last week authorized the state to proceed with replacing the bridges on the Richardson Highway that cross over the Chena Spillway. But they added a recommendation that the new design include a better plan for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Low pressure in the Gulf of Alaska has been spinning waves of moisture from the east over the Alaska Range into the interior. As of Tuesday Fairbanks had…
The Army Corps of Engineers continues to operate the Moose Creek Dam in North Pole, to prevent the Chena River from flooding Fairbanks. Army Corps Alaska…
KUAC's Dan Bross talks with Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy climate specialist Rick Thoman about the Moose Creek Dam, and the flood…
The flood that devastated Fairbanks 50 years ago this week had broad repercussions. The flood which displaced 7 thousand people, caused 80 million dollars…
Rain falling across the central and eastern interior has drawn concerns that rivers still running high from heavy precipitation last week, could result in…