Construction of the new Richardson Highway railroad-crossing overpass just east of Fairbanks is nearing completion. And work on a second railroad overpass project on the highway near North Pole is already well under way.
Fort Wainwright will temporarily relocate the Visitors Center at the Main Gate next week due to construction in that area.
Alaska State Troopers say traffic was slowed and restricted for two hours Sunday through a stretch of the Richardson Highway north of Delta Junction after Manh Choh mine ore haul trucks backed up on Tenderfoot Hill in slippery conditions. Five other ore trucks stopped on both sides of the hill and waited for help.
The state Department of Transportation will begin work on a new bridge over the Johnson River south of Delta Junction later this year. It’s one of three Alaska Highway bridges DOT plans to build over the next few years to replace spans constructed during World War II.
The large intersection of the Steese Highway with the Johansen Expressway is scheduled to begin remodeling in 2025, and may take three seasons. Road engineers are working on a new cost estimate for the construction.
Doyon, Limited will end an access agreement with the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority for the Ambler Road, unless AIDEA pays off an old debt from another project.
The public comment period for the Ambler Road Draft Supplemental EIS opened on Friday, October 20. The public now has 60 days to comment on the 211-mile mining road.
The citizen committee set up to analyze the highway corridor between the Mahn Choh gold mine in Tetlin and the Fort Knox mill talked about highway bridges again Thursday, Oct. 12.
The University of Alaska and the State are hosting a three-day international drone aircraft conference in Anchorage starting today. It will showcase how uncrewed aircraft can respond to emergencies, haul freight and gather scientific data. Recent test flights have proven drones can replace traditional piloted planes.
School bus stops on the ore-hauling route from the Manh Choh gold mine in Tetlin to the Fort Knox mill north of Fairbanks were discussed yesterday by the Technical Advisory Committee.
The state Department of Transportation will close the major intersection at the eastern end of Airport Way this weekend for nine days to put the finishing touches on a $15 million project that’s been under construction for more than a year now.
Kinney Engineering, the contractor hired by Alaska DOT, estimates that running ore trucks on the Alaska, Richardson and Steese Highways will cause millions of dollars in pavement damage annually.