A couple dozen Fairbanksans sang songs and rallied on a main street corner Monday in an impromptu marking of the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Freshman Congressman Nick Begich is visiting constituent groups across Alaska this week. He opened a new office in Fairbanks, held a moderated Q&A on Facebook, visited the Fairbanks hospital, is dining with Republican groups, and on Thursday will address the Alaska Legislature. On Tuesday, he spoke at a business luncheon and took questions about Alaska’s relationship to the federal government.
West Valley High School Juniors Hailey Staiger and Heidi Sauer, moderated a candidate forum for Fairbanks North Star Borough Board of Education. Students submitted 10 long-form questions and 8 lightning-round questions.
The Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce hosts Fairbanks City Council Candidates Jerry Cleworth, for Seat A (Sean McDonald was not at the forum) and three candidates for Seat B: Aaron Crook, Olivia Rodriguez and Valerie Therrien.
Candidates for Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly and Mayor, Fairbanks and North Pole City Council and North Pole Mayor, Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board and Interior Gas Utility Board are running in the October 1 municipal election.
A candidate forum was hosted by the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce at the Westmark Hotel on Sept. 10, 2024.
The Alaska Children's Trust hosted a candidate forum for the folks running for Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor on Monday, August 19, 2024.
Alaska U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan stopped by Delta Junction this weekend during a road trip around the Interior to meet with constituents. The senator talked about a new study on declining salmon populations and other issues. And he heard residents’ feedback about agriculture, infrastructure and emergency services.
A citizen group is circulating petitions this summer to restore campaign finance limits. Called Citizens Against Money in Politics, the group says the initiative will give citizen the same power as large corporations and unions.
A new PBS series is starting this week and an episode has an Alaska focus. “Breaking Bread” is politics with meals.
An Arizona businessman with Fairbanks ties has registered the name “Golden Heart Strong,” the same name as a borough ballot proposition advocacy group. Mathew Lebeau used the status to get Facebook to take down a “Golden Heart Strong” page advocating for the borough tax cap increase.