27 Yukon Quest teams left Fairbanks yesterday. The leaders have made their way into the third checkpoint of the 550-mile race, but their handlers are stalled on the Steese Highway as an avalanche closed the road Saturday.
NewsNobody was hurt, but the highway has been blocked from both sides for most of the day.
A group of snow machiners survived a large avalanche in the Summit Lake area over the weekend. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the slide occurred at the end…
A North Pole woman was killed in an avalanche near Summit Lake over the weekend. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the death comes as thousands of Alaskans…
Members of a University of Alaska Fairbanks mountaineering class are recovering after being hit by an avalanche in the eastern Alaska Range. As KUAC’s Dan…
A Fairbanks man survived burial by an avalanche in the HooDoo Mountains. The accident in the popular snow machining area near Summit Lake, off the…
A report on a fatal avalanche near Cantwell last month says the victim and other snow machiners underestimated the snow slide potential. As KUAC’s Dan…
The survivor of the Dec. 6 avalanche at Rainbow Ridge returned to the site in the Eastern Alaska Range last week to recover the bodies of his friend and…
Memorial services were held over the weekend for the Delta Junction man killed in a avalanche in the Alaska Range. Friends and family gathered to remember…
The Fairbanks man who was buried in an avalanche near Isabel Pass Saturday and lived to tell about it says he’s learned that even an experienced…