The Fairbanks North Star Borough may be forced to change the way it counts votes after the Assembly last week failed to extend a service contract for vote-counting machines.
Here is a short segment, featuring just the borough assembly races, of the September 13 candidate forum hosted by the Tanana Valley League of Women Voters.
The FNSB Assembly held a finance meeting on Saturday, April 20.
An analysis of FNSB Assembly and School Board candidate fundraising.
Candidates for Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board and Assembly responded to questions by KUAC and Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Journalists.
A sewage leak and a fire-alarm malfunction closed the Fairbanks North Star Borough’s administration building Wednesday. That included the Treasury Desk where many borough residents come to pay their property taxes, which are due on Friday. So the borough Assembly will hold an emergency meeting tonight to consider extending the tax deadline.
A long-worked Climate Action and Adaptation Plan was unanimously rejected by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly early this morning. In a meeting that went past 1:00 a.m., the Assembly voted after a long public hearing and a citizen rally.
All three swimming pools In the Fairbanks North Star Borough will be open this summer – except for routine maintenance closures. A reduction in positions starting in July means they will be open fewer days and fewer hours.
We reported yesterday that there will be no pool programs at the Fairbanks North Star Borough’s Mary Siah Recreation Center as of July 1, but that's not exactly true. While the FY 24 budget defunds lifeguard positions for the center’s pool, the Assembly has asked the administration to keep it open.