NewsMushers at the Galena checkpoint are visibly weary, but looking forward to pushing through to Nome on harder snowpack.
A group of University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers and students that spent six weeks at an archeological site just west of the city are compiling…
KUAC's Dan Bross talks with Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy climate specialist Rick Thoman about the prognosis for river break up.
A man is missing after going into the Tanana River after his dog. Alaska State Troopers report that 22-year-old Alfaz Sajd Khan of Salcha was fishing on…
KUAC's Dan Bross talks with Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy Climate Specialist Rick Thoman about river ice and break up.
Donors gave nearly $50,000 to an online fundraiser last month to help pay for a project to prevent the Tanana River from washing away the bank that runs…
Alaska State Parks has launched an online campaign to help pay for work to protect erosion threatened buildings and artifacts at Big Delta State…
Big Delta resident Tom Gorman says a small dam he built earlier this year to protect his home from the meandering Tanana River held steady over the past…
Volunteers with State Parks and the Delta Historical Society have removed artifacts from a 110-year-old building at Big Delta State Historical Park. The…
Harnessing rivers to generate electricity …University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers are helping develop small hydropower systems that don’t require…